As spring arrives and flowers bloom, bees emerge from their winter hibernation. These insects play a crucial role in our ecosystem by pollinating plants, enabling them to thrive. However, encountering a bee outdoors can potentially lead to a sting, causing mild discomfort for most people but posing a risk of severe allergic reactions in some cases.
Bee stings vary in appearance depending on the species. While not all bees sting, species like honeybees, carpenter bees, and bumblebees are capable of stinging. Immediately after a sting, you’ll typically feel a sharp, burning pain at the site of contact. According to Dr. Payel Gupta, MD, a specialist in allergy and immunology, within a short time, swelling, redness, itching, and warmth around the sting area may develop. A small white spot where the stinger punctured the skin might also be visible.
The sting of a honeybee, due to its barbed stinger, can leave the stinger embedded in the skin, becoming noticeable once swelling subsides.
The duration of symptoms from a bee sting varies. Most symptoms usually diminish within a few hours, though swelling and redness might persist for several days. Complete healing of the sting site may take up to ten days.
In case of itching, it’s important to avoid scratching the affected area as this can exacerbate swelling, advises Gupta.
For individuals with allergies, bee stings can trigger more severe reactions. An estimated 2 million people in the United States experience allergic reactions to bee stings each year. Anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction, can occur rapidly after a sting, leading to symptoms such as widespread hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and even loss of consciousness.
Dr. Gupta emphasizes that prompt medical attention is crucial if signs of anaphylaxis appear, as untreated cases can be fatal. If experiencing severe symptoms after a bee sting, it’s imperative to call 911 immediately.